C&I Engineering


C&I is a recognized leader in the industry, appearing on the ENR Top 20 list in Engineering for Refineries for over 15 years. No engineering firm is more comfortable in and around the refinery. Several C&I associates have been employed at refineries across the country, bringing the “design it as if we were to run it” mindset to our projects. Our team members in every department spend time on-site to understand our clients’ processes and preferences. It is no surprise that we have long-term relationships with our clients extending 20 years and beyond.

“Accept as ‘thank you’ and commendation…both units started up on schedule, on budget and are operating very well …C&I team truly became an extension of our staff…from process design through detail engineering and construction,  I could not have asked for a group more cooperative and dedicated to the success of our projects. ”

Major Project Manager – Hunt Refining Company

Understanding the Nature of Long-Term, Capital Projects

Our planning expertise is an asset to 24/7 operations, seeking to maximize efficiency and minimize downtime during a turnaround. From conceptual studies to detailed design, we have improved countless plant processes by optimizing process flow schemes, retrofits, and revamps. Our gated approach to project management aligns with the decision making process for refineries, ensuring smart, effective work at the conceptual and feasibility stages that help clients make critical calls about project viability. We understand that project success hinges on spending capital dollars wisely.

Refining Project Manager

Our Proof is in Our People