Laser Scanning
At C&I Engineering, most of our projects are right in the middle of our customer’s operating units. Often, these units are already so congested that there is little room to add any new equipment. Our design teams produce crisp, clean, full-color 3D models that detail exactly how our project will be installed in such tight quarters. For these projects, having a high quality scan is essential! Since there is no room for error and not all scans are created equal, we established our very own laser scanning team.
Ensuring that the scan has the exact locations and the exact details is vital to building an accurate model. Our laser scanning team incorporates survey into the scan by aligning the 3D data to your plant coordinates. As both the creator AND user of the scan, we know which points are most critical to capture.
Benefits of Choosing C&I for your Laser Scanning Needs
- Quality: C&I’s in-depth, 3-phase Quality Assurance Program ensures all details are precisely captured and input into the final model. We efficiently delete unwanted “noise” and moving objects to provide a crisp and clean point-cloud.
- Accuracy: Accurate and interactive scans are produced, allowing you to make informed design decisions. Incorporating a 3D model and scan provides the necessary tools to get error-free fit-up in the field.
- Time and Cost Savings: The latest technology is utilized to complete the job quickly and efficiently. Utilizing the scan allows multiple team members to work collaboratively. Additionally, 3D scans reduce the required amount of field time to execute our designs.
- Safety: All of our field personnel are TWIC certified and go through rigorous C&I safety training. Site-specific training is also received to ensure safe practices are understood and any potential dangers are recognized and minimized. As a non-invasive process, scanning allows for important data to be captured from a safe distance without erecting any scaffolding for hard to reach, potentially dangerous areas.
A Skillful Eye
We spend time on-site carefully planning the scan. We leverage our experience to strategically place the equipment, and we know what requirements are needed when fitting up elevated piping. Thus, the team ensures that all required areas are captured and that there is an accurate depiction of the current installation. All these considerations go into the planning and execution of our scans and makes the modeling team’s job easier.
Our Tools
- Trimble S5 Robotic Total Station
- FARO Focus S70