C&I Engineering


Equipment selection is a critical component to executing top-notch projects. One of this group’s top priorities is the design and specification of fixed and rotating equipment. Our associates create requisitions and coordinate vendor submittals to ensure not only that the proper equipment is selected but also that the installation process is seamless. Over half of this group has achieved their Professional Engineer license, bringing their extensive familiarity with industry codes to each design. We combine this knowledge with client specifications to ensure we select the proper components for each application. Our Mechanical Engineers deliver an executable construction package, pulling the complete design together through engineering and procurement.

Calculated Solutions

At C&I, our engineers use state-of-the-art tools to perform stress analysis on complex piping systems, ensuring our designs comply with piping codes and are properly supported. Our clients count on our expertise and have called on us during time-critical shutdowns to quickly solve problems and get the system running again. Additionally, this group is versed in firewater system and HVAC design, allowing us to fully support our client’s needs.

Our Mechanical Tools

  • FE-Pipe / NozzlePro
  • ITS Design
  • Inventor 3D CAD/ Nastran FEA

Department Services

  • Pressure Vessel Preliminary Re-Rates & Modifications
  • Above Ground Tank Modifications & Evaluations
  • Pipe Stress Analysis
  • Piping Line Class Development
  • HVAC Heating & Cooling Load Analysis

Mechanical Engineering Department Manager

Our Proof is in Our People