Our Community
How We Give Back
C&I has always been rooted with a passion for philanthropy and giving back to our local communities. Our collaborative nature extends past our relationships with our clients and into supporting those around us who can benefit from our time and talents.
C&I Ranked Among the Top Corporate Philanthropists
C&I was ranked 15th among the top Corporate Philanthropists in the Medium-sized company category by Louisville Business First. The list, published in the newspaper’s Partners in Philanthropy issue, included the area’s largest givers among this category— ranked by cash donations from local offices.
Kentucky Science Center Engineering Week
Each year we love supporting Engineering Week through our relationship with The Kentucky Science Museum. For the past several years, our associates brainstorm, design and build interactive exhibits that demonstrate basic engineering concepts. Our team members then enjoy assisting all age groups with these fun and brainy activities to generate excitement and interest in the career we love so much!
United Way Campaign
We run our United Way campaign every year to raise money for our community. This year we pledged a considerable amount to the Metro United Way. Even during tough economic times, our employees stepped up and continued their giving to this organization that is a staple in our community. We also were able to donate over 200 books to the Visually Impaired Preschool Services program in association with United Way.
Fund for the Arts
Supporting the arts and promoting them within the community is a vital task. This year we pledged over five thousand dollars to the Fund for the Arts campaign and participated in raffles, contests, and more to get our associates involved in this great cause. We display work from a local artist each year in our lobby and around the office.
Building the Community Around Us
Day in and day out, our associates design equipment to exacting specifications, and spend countless hours in front end engineering and detail design leading to construction packages. But from time to time, we, along with family members, roll up our sleeves, pick up our tools and do a little front line construction ourselves alongside Habitat for Humanity. Even with the pandemic causing a pause in this great program, we have every intention of continuing our partnership with HFH in the future.
UofL Distillation Column Lab
C&I has volunteered our Laser Scanning services to design a new distillation column lab for the University of Louisville Chemical engineering department. UofL planned to complete construction in time for the new lab to be ready for upcoming students. Since there was quite a bit going on in such a small space, the scan allowed us to confirm dimensions and review interferences while creating the design model. The distillation column itself will remain, but C&I is working on a new layout/materials that will be more interactive for the students as well as safer for the students moving forward.
STEM Mentoring and Support
C&I has always maintained a close relationship with the engineering programs at regional Universities to encourage those students to pursue co-op opportunities at C&I and to spark their interest in beginning their career here after graduation. Along that line of thinking, we are also proactively supportive of local High School students who display a propensity for Science, Technical, Engineering, & Math (STEM) subjects to encourage them to pursue an engineering education and eventually a career in engineering, hopefully with C&I. Specifically, C&I has provided direct support by attending STEM events, strategizing efforts with STEM teacher-sponsors, and by speaking to STEM classes about the career opportunities in the engineering industry and at C&I. We have also provided financial support each year for a local High School’s participation in the regional Maker’s Faire, which gives these students an opportunity to display their engineering, technical, entrepreneurial, and robotic skills in a variety of displays and competitions.